Our Mission
At Foliage & Flora, we are committed to providing our customers with the healthiest plants and arming them with the knowledge to best take care of them.
With a wide selection of plants, locally sourced handmade gifts, high-quality gardening tools, and supplies, we have everything you need to start and maintain your own indoor or outdoor garden. Our plants are sourced from reputable growers, ensuring their quality and vitality including many rarities we grow ourselves. Explore our collection and bring the beauty of nature into your home or office today.
My Story
Hi! My names Ryan, Im the owner and curator here at Foliage & Flora! I believe my love for plants and all things that grow started in my kitchen. As an avid home cook I always had a great respect for the produce we consume and the people that grow it and wanted to grow food myself. This led me to my garden; where I got my hands dirty, learned how to grow food right from my home and learned the basics of plant care.
However, once I started bringing tropical plants into my home, my hobby quickly became my passion. Learning as much as I could about the nuances of indoor plant care, I started growing my collection, to what is now well over a hundred plants. Watching them grow to their fullest potential is the most rewarding part.
What's most alluring to me about plants in general is that there is ALWAYS something to learn, whether it be a new cultivar, a newly described species, new growing methods or new propagating techniques, you'll never be able to learn it all.
Thanks for taking the time to find out more about me!
xoxo -Ry

Contact me!
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.